finding God, that is, than falling in love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination,
will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you will do with your evenings,
how you will spend your weekends,
what you read, who you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything.
--Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
Such a beautiful thought.
I've been away from active blogging for the better part of a month or I might have come across NaPraGoMo before. Sadly, for me, it's half way done. A great month to choose what with the 30 Days for the Souls in Purgatory beginning on the 25th.
God's love and peace be with you.
Thanks for the kind words. I may do this again in 2008.
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